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Sleep Channel


Sleeping healthy, equals healthy living. So we repositioned America’s No1 mattress company, Casper, as a wellbeing company.

A recent study estimated poor health caused by bad sleep costs the American economy $40billion. This growing epidemic is symptomatic of a generation addicted to digital devices and social media. And as America’s No1 Sleep company, Casper had a duty to do something about it.

So to kick off our repositioning we created the Casper Sleep Channel, which encouraged people to put down their devices, switch off, and nod off. We partnered with Harvard University’s sleep devision to help ensure the contents effectiveness. In total we created 12 episodes of the most slumber inducing soundscapes and meditations each lasting around 60 mins.


Meet june

It’s time to put down your phones, switch off and get snuggly.

June the moon comes on the airwaves around the same time every night to host a multi-platform experience called ‘Casper Sleep Channel’. Fifteen episodes of bespoke sleep content hosted by a beautifully animated moon, named June, designed to ease each listener into a good night’s sleep.

We created over 225 minutes of sleepy audio for this campaign, with the sole purpose of putting listeners in the right frame of mind to catch some zzz’s.

The episodes are categorized into three distinctly snoozy buckets: Meditations, Readings and Sounds. We wanted our campaign content to tread that fine line between shareable and engaging, while also being scientifically useful. So, we enlisted sleep experts to ensure that as much as our content was enjoyable, it was also effective at putting people to sleep.


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